Solar Off-grid system

What is an off-grid system?

An off-grid system is an energy system that is completely non-reliant on the electricity grid. It is often more complicated than a grid-connected Solar system as more components are used to compensate for the grid not being there. Because there is no grid, a backup energy supply (generally a generator) is needed so that you never run out of power. Also, it will generally require more batteries so you can store more energy.

What is energy storage?

When we say “store the energy” we mean that the energy produced from the solar panels is used to charge the batteries so that they are ready to be used whenever they are needed. We call it storage because the batteries if fully charged can be called upon at any time to power your home appliances. Thus, we say we are storing the solar energy.

Why would you need an off-grid system?

If you are building a new property and need the grid-connected you will have to pay Ausnet for this service. This will become costly as it is often in the tens of thousands. This is why many people in rural areas are moving towards off-grid power. Another reason is that once the system is in place the costs of electricity are minimal as most of the energy source comes from the sun (solar panels) which is stored in the batteries as mentioned earlier.  Many people feel the cost of connecting to the grid is prohibitive and that the pricing of power bills is exorbitant.